International Nanny Agency

5 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Nanny

Published on: Tue 20, September, 2022

After shortlisting suitable candidates for a position, the next step is to arrange interviews where you can get to know the shortlisted candidates a little better and ask all the necessary questions. Some parents find it challenging to come up with a list of effective questions when interviewing a nanny, after all it is a very specific role, and one that matters a great deal to the hiring family. Here are 5 important questions you should ask when interviewing a potential nanny.

1.      How long have they been in this profession?

This is a great starter question that allows a candidate some space to talk about their experience and a nanny, in childcare, or working in education. After this, you should ask about the age groups they have worked with. which age group they prefer to work with and why. You can also ask about any other experience they had that helps them understand children better, for example they may have spent some time working as a teacher, gymnastics coach, nursery nurse or have children of their own.

2.      Are they trained and educated?

It is essential that whoever you hire is well-trained in CPR and first aid because children tend to get hurt while playing, and should the worst happen you want someone who knows what to do. You can also ask them if they have taken any classes or have any qualifications in childcare, or if they are willing to do it if this is something you would find necessary. If you speak different languages, it is good to ask if they know any language besides English. 

3.      What was their previous position like?

This question is essential as it will determine the nanny’s working style. You can extend this line of questioning by asking questions like what their daily routine was, whether they faced any stressful situations and how they solved these and how long they stayed with that family. You can add the question of their reason for leaving, or the nanny may offer this information themselves. All these questions will give you a deeper insight into a nanny’s experience and working style.

4.      What do they expect from this position?

It is better to establish open lines of communication from the very start; in ther interview you can ask the nanny if they are willing to take up a flexible work schedule or to take on other house jobs, such as cooking or cleaning, and establish pay expectations. You should discuss your expectations of the successful candidate so that the nanny has a realistic picture of what the role will entail and can decide whether or not they would like the position based on this.

International Nanny Agency

5.      What do they like and dislike about being a nanny?

This question will help you get to know each candidate better and  understand where they might need support from your side and where they will be able to support you, or excel in their role. This question can also give you a clearer picture of a candidates personality and values.

Many parents come across this issue of what to ask when hiring a nanny. Which is why we want to help you as much as possible during your search. As well as performing a minimum of two background checks, we can help to prepare a set of interview questions customized according to the needs of the family and even stay present during the interview if any other help is needed. By doing this, we can make sure that families get the perfect nanny who meets their requirements.t

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