Creating the Perfect Sensory Bin

Sensory bins are immersive experiences that engage a baby’s senses and promote their cognitive, motor, and emotional development. As a professional nanny, incorporating sensory bins into your caregiving routine can provide endless opportunities for learning and exploration. In this blog, we will dive into the world of sensory bins for babies, discussing what they are as well as their importance. We’ll also cover safety considerations to ensure a secure and enjoyable sensory experience.

What is a Sensory Bin?

A sensory bin is a container filled with materials that stimulate a baby’s senses, such as touch, sight, sound, and sometimes even taste and smell. These containers can be filled with a variety of materials, including but not limited to rice, pasta, water, sand, beans, or shredded paper. Objects and toys related to a specific theme or activity are added to enhance the sensory experience.

Importance and Benefits of Sensory Bins for Babies

Sensory bins play a vital role in the development of babies, as they provide a multitude of benefits and promote overall growth. Engaging with sensory bins allows babies to explore different textures, colours, shapes, and sounds, stimulating their senses and supporting sensory development. Through hands-on interactions, babies enhance their cognitive abilities by developing problem-solving skills, understanding cause-and-effect relationships, and grasping the concept of object permanence. Furthermore, sensory bins encourage the refinement of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination as babies manipulate the materials and objects within the bin. The sensory experiences provided by these bins also foster language and communication skills, as babies express their reactions, observations, and discoveries through various forms of communication. Lastly, sensory bins spark creativity, imagination, and independent play, facilitating holistic development in babies.

Baby care essentials course. International Nanny Institute.

Sensory development

Sensory bins offer babies the chance to touch, squeeze, and explore a variety of textures like smooth rice, squishy gel, or soft fabric, helping them refine their tactile senses and develop an understanding of different sensations. They can also discover various shapes, colours, and sounds through objects and materials in the bin, enhancing their visual and auditory perception.

Cognitive development

By manipulating and interacting with objects in sensory bins, babies develop problem-solving skills as they figure out how to pour, scoop, stack, or fit objects together. They learn about cause-and-effect relationships as they observe the outcomes of their actions, such as pouring water over sand or shaking a container filled with beads. Sensory bins also provide opportunities for babies to understand object permanence, realising that objects still exist even when they are temporarily hidden from view.

Fine motor skills

Sensory bins encourage babies to practice their fine motor skills by scooping, pouring, grasping, and manipulating objects. They can pick up small items like beans or beads, enhancing their hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Activities like transferring objects between containers or threading beads also strengthen their finger muscles and improve their fine motor control.

Baby care essentials course. International Nanny Institute.

Language and communication

Sensory bins serve as a platform for babies to express themselves through verbal and non-verbal communication. They can babble, coo, or make sounds to convey their excitement or curiosity. Non-verbal communication, such as pointing, reaching, or gesturing, allows babies to express their preferences or indicate their interests in specific objects or materials within the sensory bin. Caregivers can engage in meaningful interactions by describing what they see, asking questions, and responding to the baby’s cues.

Creativity and imagination

Sensory bins provide an open-ended and imaginative play experience. Babies can explore different scenarios, such as pretending to cook with sensory bin ingredients or creating stories around toy figures or objects. This type of play nurtures their creativity and imagination, allowing them to experiment, problem-solve, and engage in self-directed play, which fosters independence and self-expression.

Baby care essentials course. International Nanny Institute.

Safety Considerations

By implementing safety considerations, caregivers can create a secure and nurturing environment for babies to explore their senses, promoting their development while minimizing potential risks and hazards. Prioritising safety ensures that the benefits of sensory play can be fully enjoyed without compromising the well-being of the little ones in our care. Here’s why we need safety considerations:

Choking Hazard

Babies have a natural inclination to explore objects by putting them in their mouths. Without proper safety measures, small objects or loose parts in the sensory bin can pose a choking risk. Safety considerations, such as using age-appropriate materials and avoiding small objects, help prevent choking accidents.

Baby care essentials course. International Nanny Institute.

Non-Toxic Materials

Babies may come into contact with the materials in the sensory bin through touch, taste, or smell. Ensuring that all materials used are non-toxic is essential to prevent any potential harm or adverse reactions if the baby ingests or comes into contact with the substances.

Allergies and Sensitivities

Some babies may have allergies or sensitivities to certain materials, textures, or substances. Safety considerations help minimize the risk of triggering an allergic reaction or causing discomfort for the baby. Being aware of any known allergies and avoiding potential allergens is essential to maintain a safe sensory experience.

Baby care essentials course. International Nanny Institute.


Babies require constant supervision during sensory play to ensure their safety. Safety considerations emphasise the importance of active supervision, enabling caregivers to monitor the baby’s interactions with the sensory bin and intervene promptly if any hazards or accidents occur.

Hygiene and Sanitization

Sensory materials can accumulate germs or bacteria over time, especially when multiple babies are using the same sensory bin. Safety considerations encourage regular cleaning and sanitization of materials, containers, and objects to maintain a clean and hygienic environment, reducing the risk of illnesses or infections.

Baby care essentials course. International Nanny Institute.

Sensory bins provide babies with a world of exploration, discovery, and learning. As a professional nanny, incorporating sensory bins into your caregiving routine can foster sensory development, stimulate cognitive skills, and ignite their imagination. By creating themed, seasonal, or activity-based sensory bins, you can offer babies a wealth of sensory experiences tailored to their interests and developmental needs. Enrolling in Baby Care Essentials, an informative course on infant development, can provide you with the knowledge and skills to enhance the growth and development of young babies through engaging activities like sensory play. By expanding your expertise, you can elevate your career as a nanny, attract more families, and provide exceptional care that sets you apart from the rest.

Enrol in Baby Care Essentials today and unlock the potential to create a nurturing and stimulating environment that supports the holistic development of the babies in your care.

Baby Care Essentials Course. International Nanny Institute.

Exploring the Five Senses: Stimulating Infant Development

As caregivers, we understand the importance of providing a nurturing environment that supports the growth and well-being of the children in our care. By understanding and actively engaging their senses, we can enhance their cognitive, social, and emotional development. In this blog, we will discuss practical ways to stimulate your infant’s senses and provide them with enriching sensory experiences. These activities can be incorporated into your daily routines, fostering a strong bond between you and your little one while promoting their overall development. So, let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of sensory stimulation for infants.


Exploring the Five Senses: Stimulating Infant Development

Your infant’s visual sense plays a vital role in their overall development. During the first few months, they start to focus on objects and track movements. Here are some activities to stimulate their sight:

High-Contrast Visuals

Introduce black and white patterns or toys with bold, contrasting colours. Hanging mobiles or picture cards can capture their attention and encourage visual tracking.

Mirror Play

Position a baby-safe mirror in front of your infant to allow them to explore their own reflection. This activity promotes self-awareness and helps develop their visual tracking abilities.


Exploring the Five Senses: Stimulating Infant Development

Hearing is an essential sense for language development and communication skills. Exposing your infant to various sounds and engaging in auditory activities can be highly beneficial. Here are a few ideas:

Musical Toys

Introduce rattles, musical mobiles, or toys that produce gentle sounds. These toys encourage your infant to listen, focus, and explore different auditory stimuli.

Singing and Rhymes

Engage in regular singing sessions and recite nursery rhymes to your little one. This not only enhances their auditory skills but also fosters a bond between you and your infant.


Exploring the Five Senses: Stimulating Infant Development

The sense of touch provides infants with valuable sensations and helps them understand the world around them. Encourage tactile exploration through the following activities:

Sensory Play

Set up a safe play area with various textured materials like soft fabrics, textured toys, and safe household items (under supervision). Let your infant touch and explore these objects, promoting sensory stimulation and fine motor skills.

Baby Massage

Gently massage your infant using baby-safe oils or lotions. This activity promotes relaxation, strengthens the bond between caregiver and child, and enhances body awareness.


Taste exploration helps infants develop their palates and discover new flavours. While introducing solid foods, consider the following tips:

Introduce a Variety of Foods

Gradually introduce a range of flavours and textures, such as puréed fruits, vegetables, and cereals. This exposes your infant to different tastes and helps develop their taste preferences.

Sensory Teething Toys

Provide safe teething toys that babies can chew on. These toys offer sensory stimulation and relieve discomfort while encouraging oral exploration.


Exploring the Five Senses: Stimulating Infant Development

The sense of smell is closely tied to memory and emotional well-being. Consider these activities to enhance your infant’s olfactory experiences:


Use natural scents like lavender or chamomile in a diffuser to create a calming atmosphere during nap time or bedtime. This can help your infant relax and develop positive associations with certain scents.

Scented Sensory Bins

Create sensory bins with materials like dried herbs, flowers, or scented play dough. Allow your infant to explore these materials, stimulating their sense of smell alongside touch and sight.

Do you want to learn more about engaging infants’ senses to provide them with valuable experiences that positively impact their overall development? Enrol in our Child Development class and experience the transformative power of actively engaging your infant’s senses. Gain practical techniques that support cognitive and motor skills while nurturing a strong caregiver-child bond. Connect with our vibrant community of caregivers, exchange experiences, and draw inspiration from each other’s journeys.

By enrolling in our Child Development class, you’ll not only gain the knowledge, skills, and support needed to provide exceptional care and stimulate infants’ senses effectively but also elevate your professional expertise to new heights. Take this incredible opportunity to enhance your caregiving capabilities, expand your career prospects, and become a sought-after childcare provider. Don’t miss out on this chance to invest in your career, make a lasting difference, and be a catalyst for positive change in children’s lives. Take the leap and enroll now to unlock a world of possibilities in the child development field.

Child Development Course

Teaching New Skills: Shoe Lacing Techniques for kids

Learning how to lace your shoes is an important developmental milestone, and it’s one that can be tricky to master! It requires a combination of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive processing. 

Lacing your own shoes might seem like a simple task, but teaching a child to lace their own shoes can have numerous benefits, including promoting independence, improving problem-solving skills, and enhancing self-esteem. 

As a professional nanny, you can help the children you work with to learn this valuable life skill. In this blog post, we will explore some tips and strategies that nannies can use to teach young children how to lace their own shoes, as well as the benefits of this activity.

Why is learning to lace shoes important?

Learning to lace your own shoes is an important skill that lays down the foundations for future independence and self-sufficiency. Being able to tie their shoelaces themselves, allows a child to get dressed independently, which is an important step in developing self-esteem and confidence. 

Additionally, mastering this skill requires a child to use both fine and gross motor skills, which can help improve their overall hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Finally, learning to lace shoes provides an opportunity for children to practice problem-solving skills, as they learn to navigate the complex series of movements required to tie a knot.

Tips and Strategies for Teaching Children to Lace Shoes

As a nanny, you are uniquely positioned to help children learn to lace their shoes, as you likely spend a significant amount of time with them each day, and getting them dressed is often part of your role. Below are some tips and strategies that can help you teach this valuable life skill to young children:

Shoe Lacing

Start with simple lacing activities

Before jumping straight into teaching children to tie their shoes, it can be helpful to start with simpler lacing activities. For example, you can provide children with lacing cards or boards, which allow them to practice threading a string or ribbon through pre-cut holes. This can help children develop the fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination required for shoe-tying, without the added complexity of knots and loops.

Use visual aids

Visual aids can be a great way to help children understand the steps involved in lacing their shoes. You can create a visual guide or chart that outlines the steps involved in tying a knot, or use a shoe-tying board or toy that demonstrates the process in a hands-on way.

Break the process down into steps

Learning to tie shoes can be overwhelming for young children, as it requires them to remember a series of complex steps. To make the process more manageable, you can break it down into smaller steps, and focus on mastering one step at a time. For example, you can start by teaching children how to make a loop, and then gradually build up to tying a complete knot.

Shoe Lacing

Practice, practice, practice

Like any skill, learning to tie shoes requires practice. As a nanny, you can provide children with ample opportunities to practice their shoe-tying skills, both during structured activities and throughout the day. Encourage children to practice tying their shoes independently, but be prepared to offer guidance and support as needed.

Benefits of Teaching Children to Lace Shoes

Teaching children to lace their own shoes can have numerous benefits, both in the short term and the long term. Below are some of the key benefits of this activity:

Shoe Lacing

Promotes independence

Being able to tie one’s shoes independently is an important step in developing self-sufficiency and independence. When children are able to dress themselves without assistance, they feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, which can boost their self-esteem and confidence.

Improves problem-solving skills

Learning to tie shoelaces requires children to use their problem-solving skills, as they figure out the steps involved in tying a knot. This can help develop their cognitive processing abilities, as well as their ability to think creatively and logically.

Enhances hand-eye coordination

Lacing shoes requires a combination of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. As children practice this skill, they develop better dexterity and coordination, which can benefit them in other areas of their life, such as sports or handwriting.

Builds patience and persistence

Learning to tie shoes can be a frustrating process, particularly for young children who are still developing their fine motor skills. However, with practice and persistence, children can develop the patience and perseverance needed to master this skill. These are important life skills that can benefit children in many areas of their life.

Shoe Lacing

Do you want to learn more about helping children develop valuable skills? Find out more in our online course. Enrolling in Child Development is an invaluable opportunity for students to gain essential life skills with long-term benefits. As students, you have the power to shape young minds and play a pivotal role in their journey towards independence and success. By joining this course, you will not only learn how to teach children to lace their own shoes, but also unlock a multitude of advantages that extend far beyond the shoelaces. Child Development provides comprehensive guidance on fostering a range of skills and instilling unwavering confidence in children; skills that will undoubtedly pave their path to success in all spheres of life. 

Join us now and become an influential figure in shaping the future generation, while also embarking on a rewarding personal journey of growth and development. Enrol in our online Child Development course today and embrace the opportunity to make a lasting impact on young lives.

Child Development Course

Sorting Activities for Toddlers

As a nanny, you play an important role in helping toddlers develop the skills they need for school and life. Sorting activities are a fun and effective way to support the development of pre-math skills and fine motor skills in toddlers. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of sorting and share some fun sorting activities that you can do with the toddlers in your care.

Why is Sorting Important for Pre-Math Skills?

Sorting is an important pre-math skill that toddlers need to develop before they start learning maths concepts like addition and subtraction. When toddlers sort objects, they are learning how to categorise and classify items based on their characteristics such as shape, size, and colour. This is an important foundation for later maths skills, such as sorting numbers, counting, and even algebraic thinking.

Sorting also helps toddlers develop their visual-spatial skills, which are important for understanding geometry and measurement. By sorting objects, toddlers learn to recognise patterns, understand spatial relationships, and visualise objects in different orientations.

Why is Sorting Important for Fine Motor Skills?

Sorting activities can also help toddlers develop their fine motor skills, which are essential for many everyday activities such as holding a pencil, tying shoelaces, and using utensils. When toddlers sort objects, they use their fingers to pick up and manipulate the objects, which helps to strengthen their hand muscles and improve their hand-eye coordination.

Sorting activities also encourages toddlers to use their pincer grasp, which is the ability to pick up small objects between the tips of the index finger and thumb. This is an important skill that toddlers will need for writing and drawing.

Sorting Activities for Toddlers

With all of these benefits to toddlers’ mathematical thinking and fine motor skills coming from sorting activities, Nannies are likely to want to embed these kinds of activities into their repertoire, but what exactly are good sorting activities? We give a few ideas here to get you started!

Sorting Activities for Toddlers

Colour Sorting

Colour sorting is a simple and fun sorting activity that you can do with toddlers. All you need is a set of coloured objects, such as blocks or buttons, and some sorting trays or containers. Encourage toddlers to sort the objects by colour and place them in the corresponding container.

To make the activity more challenging, you can add more colours or mix up the objects so that they have to search for the right colour.

Shape Sorting

Shape sorting is another simple and fun sorting activity that you can do with toddlers. All you need is a set of objects with different shapes, such as blocks or puzzle pieces, and a sorting tray with different-shaped holes. Encourage toddlers to match the objects to the corresponding hole based on their shape.

To make the activity more challenging, you can add more shapes or make the shapes more complex.

Child Development Course

Size Sorting

Size sorting is a sorting activity that can help toddlers understand the concept of size and develop their visual-spatial skills. All you need is a set of objects of different sizes, such as blocks or balls, and a sorting tray with different-sized compartments. Encourage toddlers to sort the objects by size and place them in the corresponding compartment.

To make the activity more challenging, you can add more sizes or mix up the objects so that they have to search for the right size.

Texture Sorting

Texture sorting is a sorting activity that can help toddlers develop their tactile senses and fine motor skills. All you need is a set of objects with different textures, such as fabrics or natural materials, and a sorting tray with different compartments. Encourage toddlers to sort the objects by texture and place them in the corresponding compartment.

To make the activity more challenging, you can add more textures or mix up the objects so that they have to search for the right texture.

Sorting Activities for Toddlers

Food Sorting

Food sorting is a sorting activity that can be both fun and educational for toddlers. All you need is a set of foods with different characteristics, such as fruits or vegetables, and a sorting tray or container. Encourage toddlers to sort the foods based on their characteristics, such as colour, shape, or texture.

This activity can also be a great opportunity to teach toddlers about healthy eating habits and the different food groups. Encourage them to sort the foods into groups such as fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains.

Animal Sorting

Animal sorting is a sorting activity that can help toddlers develop their categorisation skills and learn about different animals. All you need is a set of animal figures or pictures, and a sorting tray or container. Encourage toddlers to sort the animals based on their characteristics, such as land animals, sea animals, or animals that can fly.

To make the activity more challenging, you can introduce more animal characteristics such as animals that live in the forest, animals with fur, or animals with feathers.

Sorting Activities for Toddlers

Letter Sorting

For toddlers who are starting to learn their letters, letter sorting can be a fun and effective way to reinforce letter recognition and develop fine motor skills. All you need is a set of letters, such as letter magnets or puzzle pieces, and a sorting tray or container. Encourage toddlers to sort the letters based on their characteristics, such as capital letters or lowercase letters.

To make the activity more challenging, you can ask toddlers to sort the letters that make up their name or sort the letters based on their sound.

Sorting activities are a fun and effective way to support the development of pre-math skills and fine motor skills in toddlers. By encouraging toddlers to sort objects based on their characteristics, you can help them develop important cognitive and physical skills that will prepare them for future learning and life.  As a nanny, you have the unique opportunity to facilitate these activities and support the development of the toddlers in your care. Try out some of these sorting activities with toddlers you are caring for and watch as they develop their skills and have fun in the process!

If you’re interested in learning more about working with toddlers and the kinds of learning and development they are engaged in at this stage, enrol in our online course, Child Development, and embark on an exciting journey of personal growth while positively impacting the lives of children. Gain the toolkit to foster independence, problem-solving skills, and coordination. From teaching how to sort objects to building resilience and confidence, you’ll witness the incredible transformation in young minds. This comprehensive course equips you with strategies to nurture every child’s potential, leaving a lasting impact. Join us today in Child Development and help us shape a brighter future for children, one step at a time.

Child Development Course

Creative Arts Series: Cross Stitching

As a professional nanny, you are probably always looking for new and creative ways to engage and educate the children in your care. Cross stitching is a wonderful activity that can be both fun and educational, while also helping children develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and concentration. 

In this blog post, we will explore how nannies can introduce young children to cross stitching and the benefits of this activity.

What is Cross Stitching?

Cross stitching is a form of embroidery that involves sewing small, X-shaped stitches onto a fabric. The stitches are usually made with thread in a variety of colours and can be arranged in different patterns and designs, there are plenty of cross stitch kits available on the market to help you to achieve specific designs. Cross stitching can be a relaxing and rewarding hobby that helps children to develop a range of skills, including hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and concentration.

Introducing Young Children to Cross Stitching

Introducing young children to cross stitching can be a fun and engaging activity that helps them develop their creativity and fine motor skills. Below are some tips for introducing young children to cross stitching:

Start with simple designs

When introducing young children to cross stitching, it’s important to start with simple designs that are easy to follow. Choose designs with large blocks of colour and simple shapes, such as hearts, stars, or animals.

Creative Arts Series: Cross Stitching

Use child-friendly needles and thread

When selecting needles and thread for young children, choose ones that are child-friendly and easy to use. Plastic needles and brightly coloured thread can make the activity more engaging and less intimidating for young children.

Use Aida cloth

Aida cloth is a type of fabric that has evenly spaced holes, making it easier for children to count stitches and follow a pattern. Choose Aida cloth with a lower count, such as 11 or 14, as it will be easier for young children to see and count the holes.

Demonstrate the technique

Demonstrate the technique of cross stitching to children before they begin. Show them how to thread the needle, how to make a cross stitch, and how to finish off the thread.

Creative Arts Series: Cross Stitching

Make it fun

Make cross stitching a fun and engaging activity by incorporating games or challenges. For example, you can time children to see how quickly they can complete a design or challenge them to use a certain number of colours in their design.

Benefits of Cross Stitching for Young Children

Cross stitching is a calm and pleasant pastime that can offer numerous benefits for young children. As well as developing a range of different physical and intellectual skills, cross stitching can be creative and act as an introduction to many other forms of sewing and crafting. There are also a range of social and emotional benefits that children can reap. Here we look at a range of benefits that cross stitching has to offer.

Develops fine motor skills

Cross stitching requires fine motor skills, such as hand-eye coordination, finger dexterity, and precision. By practising cross stitching, children can develop these skills and improve their overall motor control.

Enhances creativity

Cross stitching allows children to express their creativity and imagination through their designs. By choosing different colours and patterns, children can create unique and personalised designs that reflect their personality and interests.

Improves concentration

Cross stitching requires a high level of concentration and focus, which can help children improve their attention span and concentration skills.

Creative Arts Series: Cross Stitching

Promotes relaxation

Cross stitching can be a relaxing and meditative activity that can help children reduce stress and anxiety. The repetitive motion of stitching can be calming and soothing, providing a sense of relaxation and calm.

Boosts self-esteem

Completing a cross stitch design can provide children with a sense of accomplishment and boost their self-esteem. Seeing their finished design can give them a sense of pride and satisfaction, which can help build their self-confidence.

Additional Activities to Incorporate with Cross Stitching

Cross stitching can be incorporated into a variety of other activities to help promote learning and creativity. Doubling activities up can allow children to access more benefits at the same time, making it an effective way of learning. Here are some of the activities that you can incorporate into cross stitching


Encourage children to create cross stitch designs based on their favourite stories or books. This can help them develop their creativity and imagination while also promoting literacy and reading skills.


Cross stitching can also be used to teach mathematical concepts, such as counting, patterns, and symmetry. Encourage children to create designs that involve counting stitches or creating symmetrical patterns.

Cultural Awareness

Cross stitching is a part of many cultural traditions and can be used to teach children about different cultures and their artistic practices. Encourage children to create cross stitch designs that reflect different cultural traditions and practices.

Cross stitching is a fun and engaging activity that can help young children develop a range of skills, including fine motor skills, concentration, and creativity. By introducing young children to cross stitching, nannies can provide them with a fun and rewarding activity that can promote learning and development. 

If promoting learning through fun is a particular passion of yours, you may wish to explore our Integrating Education into Childcare course, which looks at how fun activities and daily care can be used to support children’s development.

International Nanny Institute

Science Series: Let’s Make a Marble Run!

Marble runs are a fun and engaging way for school-aged children to learn about simple machines, physics, and engineering. Building their own marble run, can help children to develop a range of skills including critical thinking skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. 

As a professional nanny, you can play an important role in facilitating this learning experience for the children in your care. In this blog post, we will explore some tips and strategies that nannies can use to help school-aged children make their own marble runs and learn about simple engineering and machines.


What are Simple Machines?

Before we delve into the specifics of building a marble run, it’s important to have a basic understanding of simple machines. Simple machines are devices that make work easier by changing the direction or magnitude of a force. 

There are six types of simple machines: the lever, pulley, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, and screw. By understanding how these simple machines work, children can gain a deeper appreciation for the world around them and develop foundational knowledge in physics and engineering. They can also incorporate some of these simple machines, and their principles, into the marble run that they construct.

Marble run

Tips and Strategies for Building a Marble Run

Building a marble run can be a fun and rewarding experience for school-aged children, but it can also be complex and challenging. As a nanny, you can play a crucial role in guiding children through this process by providing support, encouragement, and opportunities for learning. Below are some tips and strategies that can help you facilitate this learning experience:

Start with the basics

When introducing children to the concept of marble runs, it’s important to start with the basics. You can begin by explaining the different types of simple machines and how they work, and then demonstrate how these machines can be used to create a marble run. You might like to use visual aids, such as diagrams or videos, to help children understand these concepts.

Encourage creativity

Marble runs can be built using a wide range of materials, from cardboard tubes to PVC pipes to wooden blocks, as well as specialised sets that you can buy for this specific purpose. Nannies and caregivers can encourage children to use their creativity and imagination when designing their marble runs, and provide them with a variety of materials to choose from. This can help children develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity.

Provide guidance and support

Building a marble run can be a complex and challenging task, particularly for younger children. As a nanny, you can provide guidance and support to help children overcome obstacles and solve problems. Encourage children to work through challenges on their own, but be prepared to offer guidance and support as needed.

Emphasise safety

When building a marble run, it’s important to emphasise safety. Make sure children understand the importance of wearing safety goggles and gloves if they are cutting wood or using tools. Additionally, you can make sure the marble run is stable and secure, and that children are supervised at all times.

Marble run

Benefits of Building a Marble Run

Building a marble run can have numerous benefits for school-aged children, both in the short term and the long term. Below are some of the key benefits of this activity:

Develops critical thinking skills

Building a marble run requires children to think critically and solve problems. They must consider the laws of physics, engineering principles, and the properties of different materials when designing their marble run. This can help them to develop critical thinking skills that can benefit them in other areas.

Fosters creativity

By designing their own marble runs, children can experiment with different materials, shapes, and designs, and create something unique and original.

Promotes teamwork

Building a marble run can be a collaborative effort, requiring children to work together to solve problems and achieve their goals. 

Enhances problem-solving abilities

Building a marble run requires children to overcome obstacles and solve problems, deciding what to do when something doesn’t work, and what they should try next. This can also help children to build their resilience and perseverance. 

Marble run

With a renewed focus on helping children to develop STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) skills, building a marble run is a fun and engaging way for school-aged children to learn about simple machines, physics, and engineering. 

As a professional nanny, you can use this activity to support children in developing STEM skills which can be transferred into other areas of their learning, development and life. To find out more about supporting children’s education through playful activities such as this, check out our Integrating Education into Childcare course.

International Nanny Institute

Rainy Day Activities for Toddlers

Rainy days can be a challenge for nannies when caring for toddlers. This is because going outside for play and exploration is not always an option. However, there are wide varieties of fun and interactive activities that nannies can engage toddlers in, that are both entertaining and educational. In this blog post, we will explore a handful of indoor activities that nannies can do with toddlers on rainy days.

Sensory Play

Sensory play involves engaging toddlers through all five senses-sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. You can create a sensory bin with different materials such as dry pasta, rice, beans, pom-poms, foam blocks, and many more. Try hiding small objects in the bin for toddlers to find, such as letters or hidden foam shapes. This activity assists with their motor skills and develops their cognitive thinking abilities, as they explore concepts such as object permanence. 

Imaginative Play

Imaginative play is any type of role-playing that encourages toddlers to use their creativity and imagination. Set up a play station with dress-up clothes, toy utensils, and an area that may resemble a kitchen or a doctor’s office. Allow toddlers to have free play with these items, or make it more structured with an interactive game of “pretend”.

Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts are activities that children of all ages love. Allow toddlers to explore their creativity by providing an array of art supplies such as paint, crayons, markers, and coloured pencils. Create fun little crafts they can give to their parents or friends such as handprint art, fingerprint painting or sponge paint.

Music and Movement 

Music and movement is an activity that toddlers love. You can set up a dance area where they can dance to their favourite songs. Play songs that require movement such as “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” and “If You’re Happy and You Know It”. If you don’t have speakers or music, you can just sing together, encouraging children’s speech and language development.

Story time

Story time is a perfect indoor activity for toddlers whether it’s raining or not. It is essential for toddlers to recognize words and learn how to read. You can make this activity interactive by asking questions and engaging their mind through your storytelling. Encourage toddlers to ask questions and retell the story in their own words.

Indoor Obstacle Course

You can set up a small obstacle course area within the home. Make use of the furniture and create a pretend tunnel using chairs or maybe make a den. Allowing toddlers to practise crawling, jumping, and other motor skills while having fun is a fantastic way to support their physical development.

Make-believe Cooking

Toddlers love pretend cooking, so nannies can encourage toddlers to make their meals with toy food, utensils, and pots. You can even print colour pictures of various food items and ask them to match each toy food to the right image. This activity builds hand strength and develops cognitive thinking abilities.

Board Games

There are various board games suitable for toddlers that can be an interactive indoor activity on a rainy day. Some of the available board games include Candy Land, Snakes and Ladders, Matching games, Jenga and Bingo. Some of the benefits of board games include building social skills and strengthening cognitive thinking abilities.


Puzzles are excellent for developing cognitive skills in toddlers. Choose puzzles with large, colourful pieces and images toddlers are familiar with. You can have toddlers try to complete puzzles independently, with guidance, or collaboratively with a friend or family member.

If you’d like more great ideas about how to teach children through play, then enrol in our Integrating Education into Childcare course, which is filled with practical ideas for nannies to use in their day-to-day role when working with children. It also explores the underpinning theories that are the basis for different ways young children learn and develop. Learn to be a better nanny and help your charges succeed and grow their minds during these all-important early years by visiting us at

International Nanny Institute

Let’s Go on a Nature Walk!

As a nanny, you have the opportunity to play a vital role in your child’s growth and development. One way to do this is by taking them outdoors and going on a nature walk. Nature walks offer numerous benefits to children, including enhancing their cognitive and physical development, boosting their creativity and curiosity, and providing opportunities for bonding and quality time. In this article, we will explore the benefits of taking children on a nature walk and provide games and activities that nannies and children can do together on the walk.

Benefits of Taking Children on a Nature Walk

Nature walks can benefit children;s health, wellbeing and development as well as being a lovely activity to engage in for everyone involved. Here we take a look at some of the ways that taking children on a nature walk can positively impact their development.

Enhances Cognitive Development

Nature walks provide numerous opportunities for children to learn about the world around them. They help children develop their observational and critical thinking skills while engaging in hands-on activities. Children who regularly go on nature walks tend to have better attention spans, memory, problem-solving abilities, and awareness of their surroundings. These cognitive benefits can extend to their academic performance and overall personal growth.

Boosts Creativity and Curiosity

Let's go on a nature walk

Nature walks can play an essential role in fostering creativity and curiosity in children. The outdoor world presents numerous opportunities for children to explore, inquire, and get inspired by the natural environment they connect with. Through activities like sketching and identifying animals or plants, children can develop their creative skills while nurturing their passion for nature.

Offers Physical Activity

Nature walks offer excellent physical activities that can help children develop their physical abilities, endurance, and motor skills. Walking, climbing, running, and jumping activities keep kids active and help in maintaining an active lifestyle. The varied nature of outdoor terrain provides children with the opportunity to practise their balance, coordination, and locomotion abilities.

Builds Bonding and Quality Time

Nature walks provide an opportunity for nannies and children to spend quality time together. Although nannies are responsible for caregiving, engaging children in hands-on outdoor activities, and conversational exchanges during nature walks help build a nurturing relationship centred on mentorship and trust.

Games and Activities to do During a Nature Walk

As well as just getting out and about in the fresh air and experiencing nature there are plenty of games and activities that can be introduced during nature walks to enhance the activity, and children’s development, even further. Here are some examples of that:

Nature Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is a great way to engage children in nature walks. The nature scavenger hunt involves creating a list of items that children can discover on the walk, such as specific flowers, rocks, bugs, fallen leaves, or animal tracks. One can customise the type of scavenger hunt based on the season or walk location. A scavenger hunt is a fun, interactive way to develop cognitive and observational skills while sparking curiosity.

Let's go on a nature walk

Picture Bingo

Picture Bingo involves making a game sheet filled with pictures of various items that children can find during the nature walk. These might include things like sticks, acorns, snails, or coloured leaves. Children fill in the pictures on their sheets as they discover them. It is a fun and exciting activity that promotes cognitive development and can be modified as per the child’s preference.

Leaf or Rock Painting

Leaf or rock painting is an excellent way to combine creativity with a nature walk. Children can collect fallen leaves or rocks on the walk, take them home or dry them, and later paint them, showcasing their artistic skills. Making art out of natural materials is a great way to promote creativity and connect with nature.

Scavenger Hunt-inspired Trail

A scavenger hunt-inspired trail creates a personalised series of clues that children follow on their walk. Each clue leads the way to the next one, and once they reach the end, a treasure or a surprise is waiting for them. It is a perfect activity to incorporate teamwork and cognitive development while having fun exploring and solving riddles.

Firefly Catch and Release

Let's go on a nature walk

Firefly Catch and Release is an excellent evening activity that adds magnificence to a nature walk. Children can catch fireflies using jars with small air holes to collect them safely. After enjoying the glow of the fireflies, children can release them back into the wild. Children will get the chance to witness one of nature’s most fascinating creatures while enjoying time outdoors during their nature walk.

Wildlife Watch

Wildlife Watch can be a thrilling way to spot animals that might be nearby. Children will have the opportunity to notice animals like squirrels, birds or rabbits in their natural habitat. Identify and encourage children to photograph or draw the animals they spotted so they can learn more about their characteristics and life cycle.

Nature walks offer numerous benefits to children, including cognitive and physical development, creativity, and bonding with their caregivers. The activities mentioned above promote physical activity, as well as enhance creativity, cognitive skills, and develop life skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking in children. 

Nannies can nurture children by engaging them in nature walks, encouraging them to explore, discover and learn. Incorporating games and activities during a nature walk further enhances the child’s experience and ensures they have a fun and exciting time outdoors. It is important that nannies and caregivers always ensure children’s safety, and make it part of their responsibility to educate the children about the importance of caring for natural resources.

If this article has sparked your interest in how getting out in nature can help to support children’s wellbeing, learning, and development, then you may be interested in learning about the Forest School approach in early education. Our Alternative Approaches to Early Years Care and Education course will introduce you to a range of approaches that support children’s development, help you to explore the underpinning theories and philosophies of these approaches, and has been specifically designed to help nannies integrate these ideas into their day-to-day work with children. If you’d like to have knowledge of various educational approaches you can use in your day-to-day life as a nanny, visit us today at to learn more. 

International Nanny Institute

Helping Children Reduce Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a prevalent mental health condition that affects millions of children worldwide. It can be challenging for children to cope with social situations and interaction with other children, which can lead to negative outcomes such as avoiding social situations, low self-esteem, and a lack of confidence. Nannies can play a critical role in helping young children reduce social anxiety through various methods. This article aims to explore those methods, highlight the benefits of reducing social anxiety in children, and provide nannies with the tools and techniques they need to help their charges overcome their fears.

Understanding Social Anxiety in Children

Helping Children Reduce Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is different from shyness, which is a mild and temporary form of social inhibition. Social anxiety is a persistent and intense fear of social situations that can severely impact a child’s quality of life, academic performance, and mental wellbeing. It can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including avoiding social events, clinging to parents, excessive shyness, and physical symptoms such as sweating or trembling.

Social anxiety in children can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic predisposition, traumatic experiences, overprotective parenting, and bullying. It is essential to understand that social anxiety is a treatable condition, and early intervention is critical to successful treatment.

How Nannies Can Help

Nannies can be instrumental in helping children overcome their social anxiety by creating a safe and supportive environment, providing opportunities for social interaction, and teaching coping mechanisms.

Creating a Safe and Supportive Environment

Children with social anxiety can benefit from a predictable and stable routine. Nannies can help create a nurturing environment by maintaining a consistent daily routine, providing clear expectations and boundaries, and offering emotional support. Nannies can also help by providing encouragement and positive reinforcement, which can be powerful tools in building a child’s confidence.

Providing Opportunities for Social Interaction 

Exposure therapy is a common treatment for social anxiety. Nannies can provide a safe and controlled environment for exposure therapy by providing opportunities for social interaction. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, such as playdates with peers, outings to the park, or participating in group activities. It is important to start small and gradually increase the intensity of social exposure over time.

Teaching Coping Mechanisms

Nannies can teach children coping mechanisms that can help them manage their anxiety in social situations. This can include deep breathing techniques, positive self-talk, and mindfulness exercises. Nannies can also help children reframe negative thoughts and beliefs by challenging their negative self-talk and teaching them to focus on their strengths and positive attributes.

Benefits of Reducing Social Anxiety in Children

Reducing social anxiety in children can have significant benefits for their mental wellbeing, academic performance, and overall quality of life. Some of the benefits of reducing social anxiety in children include:

Improved Academic Performance

Social anxiety can impact a child’s ability to concentrate and learn effectively. By reducing social anxiety, children can focus better, participate more in class, and achieve higher academic success.

Increased Self-Esteem and Confidence 

Children with social anxiety often struggle with low self-esteem and confidence. By reducing social anxiety, children can develop a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence in their interactions with others.

Improved Social Relationships

Children with social anxiety often struggle with making and maintaining friendships. By reducing social anxiety, children can develop stronger and more meaningful social relationships with their peers.

Helping Children Reduce Social Anxiety

Reduced Risk of Developing Other Mental Health Conditions

Social anxiety can increase the risk of developing other mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety disorder, and substance abuse. By reducing social anxiety in children, the risk of developing these conditions can be reduced.

Social anxiety can be a challenging and debilitating condition for children. It is essential to identify social anxiety early and provide children with the tools and support they need to manage their anxiety effectively. Nannies can play a vital role in reducing social anxiety in children through creating a safe and supportive environment, providing opportunities for social interaction, and teaching coping mechanisms. By reducing social anxiety in children, they can improve their academic performance, increase their self-esteem and confidence, develop stronger social relationships, and reduce the risk of developing other mental health conditions. Nannies are critical in ensuring that children have the best opportunity to live their lives to their fullest, and the reduction of social anxiety is an important part of that mission.

To find out more about supporting children experiencing issues like anxiety or depression, you can check out our course, Dealing with a Crisis, which explores a range of more complicated issues. It also discusses and guides nannies on how to navigate these complicated situations in a safe and effective way. Do you want to be prepared to support your charges through any event that could come your way? If so, visit us at to find out more.

International Nanny Institute

The Benefits of Gardening

Gardening is a fantastic activity that can benefit children of all ages. Whether it is growing herbs, vegetables or flowers, getting children involved in gardening provides a range of physical, mental, and emotional advantages. In this blog post, we will explore why gardening is such an excellent activity for toddlers, young children, and teenagers and give nannies some ideas for getting started with gardening

Benefits of Gardening for Toddlers

The benefits of Gardening

Gardening can be an enjoyable and rewarding activity for toddlers, providing numerous health and developmental benefits, including:

Sensory Development

Gardening provides children with an opportunity to experience different textures, smells, tastes, and sounds from the natural environment. For example, children can be encouraged to feel the soil in their hands, or taste produce they have grown. Rich, sensory experiences in the early years enhance children’s emotional and cognitive development.

Fine Motor Skills: 

Gardening involves a range of small, delicate movements, which are essential for fine motor skill development. These movements encourage the development of hand-eye coordination and dexterity and all of these things help to build up the skills that children will later need for writing.

Cognitive Development

Gardening offers numerous creative and problem-solving opportunities that help toddlers to develop their cognitive abilities, such as creativity, attention to detail, and problem-solving. For example, children can be encouraged to observe the ways that plants grow, or that the garden changes as the seasons progress and offer ideas about how and why this might happen

Curiosity and Exploration: 

Toddlers are naturally curious and often love to explore. Gardening encourages children to explore and learn about new things while engaging their sense of curiosity and wonder.

Benefits of Gardening for Young Children

Springtime Activities for Young Children. Gardening

Gardening also offers plenty of physical and mental benefits to young children. Here are some of these benefits:

Environmental Awareness: 

Gardening provides an opportunity to teach young children about the environment and the importance of preserving natural resources. It also helps them develop an appreciation for the ecosystem and the role of plants in our lives.

Responsibility and Independence: 

Gardening offers a chance to teach young children responsibility and independence. Plant care, watering, and weeding can all be enjoyable tasks that teach children to take ownership of tasks and develop a sense of responsibility, along with recognising the consequences of not fulfilling responsibilities if plants fail to grow or thrive!

Nutritional Awareness: 

Gardening is a fantastic way to teach young children about the importance of healthy eating habits in a practical and meaningful way. They can learn about the nutritional value of plants and the benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables, which can have a lasting impact on their health choices.


Gardening is a great activity for children to do in groups, which can help with socialisation and improve communication skills. Additionally, gardening provides an opportunity for children to experience teamwork and share responsibilities.

Benefits of Gardening for Teenagers

The benefits of Gardening. Teenagers

Teenagers can also benefit from gardening. Here are some of the benefits for teenagers:

Stress Relief: 

Gardening can be an excellent way for teenagers to unwind from their daily routines and reduce stress. The fresh air, sun, and physical activity can be therapeutic and help improve their emotional and physiological well-being.

STEM Education

Gardening is a multi-disciplinary activity and can provide teenagers with a wealth of knowledge and skills related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Gardening helps teenagers develop better scientific thinking and critical thinking skills.

Creative Expression: 

Gardening is an excellent way for teenagers to express themselves creatively through landscaping, choosing plant types and pairings, and garden design. With so many different types of gardens, from formal to cottage to tropical, young people can create their vision and express their creativity uniquely.

Work Ethic and Entrepreneurship: 

Gardening and growing plants require a great deal of time, effort, and dedication. Gardening provides opportunities for teenagers to develop excellent work ethics and entrepreneurial skills if they want to develop their gardens and sell their produce to the community.

Getting Started with Gardening

The benefits of Gardening

Starting a garden with children can be a fun and rewarding experience for both children and adults. Here are some tips for getting started:

Choose the Right Plants: 

When choosing plants, consider the child’s age and interests, as well as the type of garden that you want to create. Colourful flowers, herbs, and vegetables with bright colours can be great options for children and teens.

Create a Safe Space: 

Make sure that the garden is in a safe location and away from potential hazards such as poisonous plants or thorny bushes. Make the garden a “safe space” where children can explore, experiment and learn without worry.

Involve Children in Planning: 

Involve children in planning the garden by allowing them to select plants that interest them, help them create a design, and choose the layout for planting. This helps them to foster a sense of ownership and excitement around the upcoming gardening.

Provide Child-Friendly Garden Tools: 

Small garden tools such as kid-sized gardening gloves, shovels, rakes, and watering cans that they can use comfortably and safely can help make gardening more enjoyable for children.

Give Adequate Support: 

Provide adequate support to the children to ensure their success. To ensure they are healthy and strong, teach them basic plant care tools such as watering, pruning, and feeding plants.

Gardening is an activity that many associate with being a chore as an adult, or a hobby once retired, but it is an underappreciated activity in childcare and has several benefits for children of all ages. It provides a wealth of cognitive, social, health, and emotional benefits, making it a fantastic activity for toddlers, young children, and teenagers. 

Nannies should start small with easy-to-grow plants and work slowly so that children can learn and master the skills required for a successful garden. Remember to make the experience enjoyable for children, so they remain engaged and enthusiastic throughout the process. With patience, hard work, and creativity, gardening can be a fun and rewarding experience for children of all ages. Start planting today and help children to reap the benefits of gardening!

International Nanny Institute

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