Ditch the Screen: Outdoor Activities to Keep Kids Active and Engaged

In today’s digital age, it’s becoming increasingly important to encourage children to spend less time in front of screens and more time engaging with nature and physical movement. As a nanny, you have the power to inspire and facilitate outdoor activities that promote a healthy and active lifestyle for the children you care for. In this blog, we will explore a range of exciting outdoor activity ideas that will captivate their imaginations, foster their physical development, and cultivate a deeper connection with nature.

Obstacle Course

Set up an obstacle course in the backyard or local park using hula hoops, cones, jump ropes, and other household items. Children can navigate through the course, climbing, jumping, and crawling, developing their motor skills, coordination, and balance.

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of items found in nature, such as pine cones, flowers, rocks, or different types of leaves. Encourage the children to explore their surroundings and check off each item they find. This activity promotes observation skills, curiosity, and a sense of adventure.

Outdoor Yoga

Take the yoga mats outside and guide the children through a fun and interactive yoga session. Incorporate animal-themed poses, such as downward dog or cat-cow, to make it engaging and entertaining. Outdoor yoga helps children improve flexibility, body awareness, and mindfulness.

Bike Riding

Take the children for a bike ride in a safe and suitable area, such as a park or bike trail. Riding bikes promotes cardiovascular fitness, coordination, and confidence. It’s an exhilarating way to explore the surroundings and develop a love for outdoor physical activities.

Nature Art

Encourage children to express their creativity by creating art using natural materials found outdoors. They can make leaf rubbings, paint with mud and natural dyes, or build sculptures using sticks and stones. This activity fosters imagination, fine motor skills, and an appreciation for the beauty of the natural world.

Outdoor Science Experiments

Conduct simple science experiments outdoors, such as observing cloud formations, studying insect behaviour, or learning about the water cycle through water play. These activities stimulate curiosity, critical thinking, and a fascination for the natural world.


Engage children in gardening activities, such as planting flowers, watering plants, or growing vegetables. Gardening teaches them about the importance of nurturing living things, fosters responsibility, and provides a connection to the natural world. It’s a hands-on activity that encourages curiosity and patience.

Nature Walks

Take the children on nature walks in local parks or nature reserves. Encourage them to observe and identify different plants, trees, and wildlife. Nature walks promote physical activity, sensory exploration, and a sense of wonder and appreciation for the environment.

Water Play

Set up a water play station in the backyard with sprinklers, water balloons, or a small inflatable pool. Water play is not only refreshing and fun but also enhances motor skills, coordination, and sensory development.

Outdoor Storytelling

Find a shady spot outdoors and engage the children in storytelling sessions. Encourage their imagination by incorporating elements from nature into the stories. This activity fosters language development, creativity, and a love for storytelling.

Outdoor play is not only fun but also comes with a multitude of benefits for children’s physical, cognitive, and emotional development. As a nanny, you have the incredible opportunity to inspire their curiosity, creativity, and love for the great outdoors. Healthy Living equips you with the knowledge and techniques to design exciting outdoor adventures that shape children’s lives and nurture their overall well-being.

By enrolling in Healthy Living, you’ll learn how to create outdoor activities that promote physical fitness, stimulate cognitive growth, and foster emotional well-being. From interactive nature walks to engaging scavenger hunts, you’ll discover a wide range of strategies to captivate children’s interest and encourage their exploration of the natural world. 

Ditching the screens and embracing the wonders of nature allows children to experience the beauty and serenity of their surroundings while fostering a deeper connection with the environment. Imagine the joy on their faces as they discover new plants and animals, feel the warmth of the sun on their skin, and breathe in the fresh air. These moments will create cherished memories that will stay with them for a lifetime. Furthermore, by completing Healthy Living, you’ll set yourself apart as a nanny who prioritises holistic child care and understands the importance of outdoor play. Potential employers will recognise your dedication to nurturing children’s well-being and providing them with enriching experiences. This course opens doors to new career opportunities and positions you as a sought-after professional in the field.

Healthy Living Course International Nanny Institute

So, let’s embark on this exciting journey together. Enrol in Healthy Living today and learn how to create outdoor adventures that shape children’s lives, nurture their well-being, and create cherished memories of their time spent in the great outdoors. Become the nanny who inspires a lifelong love for nature and makes a lasting impact on children’s lives.

10 Fun and Healthy Snack Ideas for Active Kids

As a nanny, you play a crucial role in shaping the eating habits and overall health of the children you care for. One way to support their well-being is by providing nutritious and delicious snacks that fuel their active lifestyles. In this blog, we will explore ten fun and healthy snack ideas specifically designed for active kids. These snacks not only satisfy their taste buds but also provide essential nutrients to keep them energised throughout the day.

10 Fun and Healthy Snack Ideas for Active Kids

Ants on a Log

This classic snack combines celery sticks filled with peanut butter or almond butter and topped with raisins. It’s a great source of protein, healthy fats, and fibre, making it an ideal choice for active kids.

Fruit Kabobs

Create colourful kabobs using a variety of fruits such as strawberries, pineapple, grapes, and melon. The skewers make it fun to eat and provide a dose of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

10 Fun and Healthy Snack Ideas for Active Kids

Veggie Roll-Ups

Spread hummus or cream cheese on a whole wheat tortilla and add sliced vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers. Roll it up and cut it into bite-sized pieces for a nutritious and crunchy snack.

Yogurt Parfait

Layer low-fat yoghurt, fresh berries, and granola in a small cup or jar. This snack is rich in protein, calcium, and fibre, offering a balance of nutrients for active kids.

10 Fun and Healthy Snack Ideas for Active Kids

Apple Nachos

Slice apples into thin rounds and arrange them on a plate. Drizzle with natural nut butter and sprinkle with granola or crushed nuts. This snack offers a balance of sweetness, fibre, and healthy fats.

Trail Mix

Create a custom trail mix by combining a mix of nuts, dried fruits, and whole-grain cereal. It provides a satisfying blend of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, perfect for active kids on-the-go.

10 Fun and Healthy Snack Ideas for Active Kids

Frozen Yogurt Bites

Spoon flavoured yoghurt onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and freeze until firm. These bite-sized frozen treats are a refreshing snack that provides calcium and probiotics.

Mini Quiches

Bake mini quiches using whole wheat crust, eggs, and a variety of vegetables like spinach, bell peppers, and mushrooms. These bite-sized treats are packed with protein and essential nutrients.

10 Fun and Healthy Snack Ideas for Active Kids

Cucumber Sushi Rolls

Slice a cucumber into thin strips and wrap them around fillings like avocado, cream cheese, and shredded carrots. This snack is hydrating, low in calories, and rich in vitamins and minerals.

Energy Balls

Prepare homemade energy balls using a combination of nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and a natural sweetener like honey or dates. These bite-sized snacks are packed with nutrients and provide a quick energy boost.

10 Fun and Healthy Snack Ideas for Active Kids

Are you ready to discover a world of exciting and nutritious snack ideas that will shape children’s healthy eating habits for life? By incorporating these fun and healthy snacks into their daily routine, you’ll help them develop a lifelong appreciation for nourishing foods and fuel their active lifestyles.

Our Healthy Living course will help you gain the knowledge and skills needed to create snacks that are packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. We understand the importance of providing children with snacks that not only taste great but also support their energy levels, concentration, and overall well-being. From colourful fruit skewers to homemade granola bars, Healthy Living is designed to equip you with a vast array of wholesome and delicious snack ideas that are both nutritious and appealing to kids. You’ll learn how to stock up on the right ingredients, get creative in the kitchen, and witness the smiles and satisfaction on the faces of the children you care for as they enjoy these tasty treats.

10 Fun and Healthy Snack Ideas for Active Kids

Imagine the joy of watching the children in your care embrace these nutritious snacks and develop a lifelong appreciation for wholesome eating that will benefit them throughout their lives. Enrol today and unlock a world of exciting and nutritious snack ideas that will shape children’s eating habits, fuel their active lifestyles, and bring smiles of satisfaction to their faces. 

Healthy Living Course International Nanny Institute

Planting a Vegetable Garden: Cultivating Healthy Habits for Children

In our modern, hustle-bustle world, where screens seem to rule the day, it’s high time we rediscover the beauty of nature and nurture healthy habits for both ourselves and the little ones we cherish. And guess what? Planting a veggie garden is a fantastic way to make that happen! As a nanny, you hold a special key to ignite a passion for gardening and wholesome living in the hearts of the children under your care. So, let’s dive into this blog and uncover all the incredible perks of planting a veggie garden, and how it can set children on a path to a vibrant, healthy lifestyle.

Hands-on Learning Experience

Planting a vegetable garden provides an engaging and hands-on learning experience for children. It allows them to witness the magic of nature firsthand, from sowing seeds to nurturing plants as they grow. Children can learn about the life cycle of plants, the importance of sunlight and water, and the significance of caring for living things.

Nutritional Education

Growing a vegetable garden offers an excellent opportunity to teach children about nutrition and the importance of fresh, wholesome food. As you plant and harvest various vegetables, you can explain their nutritional benefits and encourage the children to try new foods. This hands-on experience gives them a sense of ownership over their food choices and can help them develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.

Outdoor Physical Activity

Gardening is a fantastic way to get children outdoors and engaged in physical activity. Digging, planting, weeding, and watering all require movement, coordination, and strength. By actively participating in gardening tasks, children can develop gross and fine motor skills while enjoying the benefits of fresh air and sunlight.

Connection with Nature

In today’s digital age, it’s crucial for children to connect with nature. Gardening provides an opportunity to explore the natural world, observe insects and birds, and appreciate the beauty of plants. This connection with nature has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being for both children and adults.

Environmental Awareness

By gardening, children can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the environment. You can discuss concepts such as composting, conserving water, and attracting beneficial insects. Teaching children about sustainability and the importance of protecting our planet empowers them to become responsible stewards of the Earth.

Emotional Development

Gardening can have a positive impact on children’s emotional well-being. It offers a sense of accomplishment and pride as they watch their plants grow and produce vegetables. The act of nurturing and caring for living things fosters empathy, patience, and responsibility. Gardening also provides a peaceful and calming environment, allowing children to unwind and de-stress.

Are you ready to discover the transformative power of planting a vegetable garden and create a rewarding experience that leaves a lasting impact on the children’s lives? By engaging in gardening, children have the opportunity to learn invaluable life skills while developing healthy eating habits. Healthy Living will help to equip you with the knowledge and techniques to guide them through this journey of cultivating their own food. From planting seeds to nurturing plants and harvesting the delicious rewards, you’ll be fostering their sense of responsibility, patience, and connection to nature. These little ones will be so excited to witness the seeds they planted sprout into vibrant plants and eventually harvest the vegetables they grew with their own hands. Through this experience, they will develop an appreciation for fresh, nutritious food and understand the importance of sustainable living.

Furthermore, by enrolling in Healthy Living, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of gardening techniques, composting, and eco-friendly practices. You’ll learn how to create a thriving vegetable garden that not only provides nourishment for the children but also contributes to a healthier and more sustainable future. Completing Healthy Living also sets you apart as a nanny who understands the importance of hands-on learning, sustainable practices, and fostering a connection to nature. Potential employers will recognise your dedication to holistic child care and appreciate your ability to provide enriching experiences that go beyond the traditional nanny role.

Healthy Living Course International Nanny Institute

So, roll up your sleeves, grab a shovel, and join us on this transformative journey. Enrol in Healthy Living today and discover the joy of planting a vegetable garden with the children in your care. Together, you’ll cultivate healthy habits, nurture a love for nature, and sow the seeds of a healthier and more sustainable future. 

Exploring the Five Senses: Stimulating Infant Development

As caregivers, we understand the importance of providing a nurturing environment that supports the growth and well-being of the children in our care. By understanding and actively engaging their senses, we can enhance their cognitive, social, and emotional development. In this blog, we will discuss practical ways to stimulate your infant’s senses and provide them with enriching sensory experiences. These activities can be incorporated into your daily routines, fostering a strong bond between you and your little one while promoting their overall development. So, let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of sensory stimulation for infants.


Exploring the Five Senses: Stimulating Infant Development

Your infant’s visual sense plays a vital role in their overall development. During the first few months, they start to focus on objects and track movements. Here are some activities to stimulate their sight:

High-Contrast Visuals

Introduce black and white patterns or toys with bold, contrasting colours. Hanging mobiles or picture cards can capture their attention and encourage visual tracking.

Mirror Play

Position a baby-safe mirror in front of your infant to allow them to explore their own reflection. This activity promotes self-awareness and helps develop their visual tracking abilities.


Exploring the Five Senses: Stimulating Infant Development

Hearing is an essential sense for language development and communication skills. Exposing your infant to various sounds and engaging in auditory activities can be highly beneficial. Here are a few ideas:

Musical Toys

Introduce rattles, musical mobiles, or toys that produce gentle sounds. These toys encourage your infant to listen, focus, and explore different auditory stimuli.

Singing and Rhymes

Engage in regular singing sessions and recite nursery rhymes to your little one. This not only enhances their auditory skills but also fosters a bond between you and your infant.


Exploring the Five Senses: Stimulating Infant Development

The sense of touch provides infants with valuable sensations and helps them understand the world around them. Encourage tactile exploration through the following activities:

Sensory Play

Set up a safe play area with various textured materials like soft fabrics, textured toys, and safe household items (under supervision). Let your infant touch and explore these objects, promoting sensory stimulation and fine motor skills.

Baby Massage

Gently massage your infant using baby-safe oils or lotions. This activity promotes relaxation, strengthens the bond between caregiver and child, and enhances body awareness.


Taste exploration helps infants develop their palates and discover new flavours. While introducing solid foods, consider the following tips:

Introduce a Variety of Foods

Gradually introduce a range of flavours and textures, such as puréed fruits, vegetables, and cereals. This exposes your infant to different tastes and helps develop their taste preferences.

Sensory Teething Toys

Provide safe teething toys that babies can chew on. These toys offer sensory stimulation and relieve discomfort while encouraging oral exploration.


Exploring the Five Senses: Stimulating Infant Development

The sense of smell is closely tied to memory and emotional well-being. Consider these activities to enhance your infant’s olfactory experiences:


Use natural scents like lavender or chamomile in a diffuser to create a calming atmosphere during nap time or bedtime. This can help your infant relax and develop positive associations with certain scents.

Scented Sensory Bins

Create sensory bins with materials like dried herbs, flowers, or scented play dough. Allow your infant to explore these materials, stimulating their sense of smell alongside touch and sight.

Do you want to learn more about engaging infants’ senses to provide them with valuable experiences that positively impact their overall development? Enrol in our Child Development class and experience the transformative power of actively engaging your infant’s senses. Gain practical techniques that support cognitive and motor skills while nurturing a strong caregiver-child bond. Connect with our vibrant community of caregivers, exchange experiences, and draw inspiration from each other’s journeys.

By enrolling in our Child Development class, you’ll not only gain the knowledge, skills, and support needed to provide exceptional care and stimulate infants’ senses effectively but also elevate your professional expertise to new heights. Take this incredible opportunity to enhance your caregiving capabilities, expand your career prospects, and become a sought-after childcare provider. Don’t miss out on this chance to invest in your career, make a lasting difference, and be a catalyst for positive change in children’s lives. Take the leap and enroll now to unlock a world of possibilities in the child development field.

Child Development Course

Teaching New Skills: Shoe Lacing Techniques for kids

Learning how to lace your shoes is an important developmental milestone, and it’s one that can be tricky to master! It requires a combination of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive processing. 

Lacing your own shoes might seem like a simple task, but teaching a child to lace their own shoes can have numerous benefits, including promoting independence, improving problem-solving skills, and enhancing self-esteem. 

As a professional nanny, you can help the children you work with to learn this valuable life skill. In this blog post, we will explore some tips and strategies that nannies can use to teach young children how to lace their own shoes, as well as the benefits of this activity.

Why is learning to lace shoes important?

Learning to lace your own shoes is an important skill that lays down the foundations for future independence and self-sufficiency. Being able to tie their shoelaces themselves, allows a child to get dressed independently, which is an important step in developing self-esteem and confidence. 

Additionally, mastering this skill requires a child to use both fine and gross motor skills, which can help improve their overall hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Finally, learning to lace shoes provides an opportunity for children to practice problem-solving skills, as they learn to navigate the complex series of movements required to tie a knot.

Tips and Strategies for Teaching Children to Lace Shoes

As a nanny, you are uniquely positioned to help children learn to lace their shoes, as you likely spend a significant amount of time with them each day, and getting them dressed is often part of your role. Below are some tips and strategies that can help you teach this valuable life skill to young children:

Shoe Lacing

Start with simple lacing activities

Before jumping straight into teaching children to tie their shoes, it can be helpful to start with simpler lacing activities. For example, you can provide children with lacing cards or boards, which allow them to practice threading a string or ribbon through pre-cut holes. This can help children develop the fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination required for shoe-tying, without the added complexity of knots and loops.

Use visual aids

Visual aids can be a great way to help children understand the steps involved in lacing their shoes. You can create a visual guide or chart that outlines the steps involved in tying a knot, or use a shoe-tying board or toy that demonstrates the process in a hands-on way.

Break the process down into steps

Learning to tie shoes can be overwhelming for young children, as it requires them to remember a series of complex steps. To make the process more manageable, you can break it down into smaller steps, and focus on mastering one step at a time. For example, you can start by teaching children how to make a loop, and then gradually build up to tying a complete knot.

Shoe Lacing

Practice, practice, practice

Like any skill, learning to tie shoes requires practice. As a nanny, you can provide children with ample opportunities to practice their shoe-tying skills, both during structured activities and throughout the day. Encourage children to practice tying their shoes independently, but be prepared to offer guidance and support as needed.

Benefits of Teaching Children to Lace Shoes

Teaching children to lace their own shoes can have numerous benefits, both in the short term and the long term. Below are some of the key benefits of this activity:

Shoe Lacing

Promotes independence

Being able to tie one’s shoes independently is an important step in developing self-sufficiency and independence. When children are able to dress themselves without assistance, they feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, which can boost their self-esteem and confidence.

Improves problem-solving skills

Learning to tie shoelaces requires children to use their problem-solving skills, as they figure out the steps involved in tying a knot. This can help develop their cognitive processing abilities, as well as their ability to think creatively and logically.

Enhances hand-eye coordination

Lacing shoes requires a combination of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. As children practice this skill, they develop better dexterity and coordination, which can benefit them in other areas of their life, such as sports or handwriting.

Builds patience and persistence

Learning to tie shoes can be a frustrating process, particularly for young children who are still developing their fine motor skills. However, with practice and persistence, children can develop the patience and perseverance needed to master this skill. These are important life skills that can benefit children in many areas of their life.

Shoe Lacing

Do you want to learn more about helping children develop valuable skills? Find out more in our online course. Enrolling in Child Development is an invaluable opportunity for students to gain essential life skills with long-term benefits. As students, you have the power to shape young minds and play a pivotal role in their journey towards independence and success. By joining this course, you will not only learn how to teach children to lace their own shoes, but also unlock a multitude of advantages that extend far beyond the shoelaces. Child Development provides comprehensive guidance on fostering a range of skills and instilling unwavering confidence in children; skills that will undoubtedly pave their path to success in all spheres of life. 

Join us now and become an influential figure in shaping the future generation, while also embarking on a rewarding personal journey of growth and development. Enrol in our online Child Development course today and embrace the opportunity to make a lasting impact on young lives.

Child Development Course

Science Series: Let’s Make a Marble Run!

Marble runs are a fun and engaging way for school-aged children to learn about simple machines, physics, and engineering. Building their own marble run, can help children to develop a range of skills including critical thinking skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. 

As a professional nanny, you can play an important role in facilitating this learning experience for the children in your care. In this blog post, we will explore some tips and strategies that nannies can use to help school-aged children make their own marble runs and learn about simple engineering and machines.


What are Simple Machines?

Before we delve into the specifics of building a marble run, it’s important to have a basic understanding of simple machines. Simple machines are devices that make work easier by changing the direction or magnitude of a force. 

There are six types of simple machines: the lever, pulley, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, and screw. By understanding how these simple machines work, children can gain a deeper appreciation for the world around them and develop foundational knowledge in physics and engineering. They can also incorporate some of these simple machines, and their principles, into the marble run that they construct.

Marble run

Tips and Strategies for Building a Marble Run

Building a marble run can be a fun and rewarding experience for school-aged children, but it can also be complex and challenging. As a nanny, you can play a crucial role in guiding children through this process by providing support, encouragement, and opportunities for learning. Below are some tips and strategies that can help you facilitate this learning experience:

Start with the basics

When introducing children to the concept of marble runs, it’s important to start with the basics. You can begin by explaining the different types of simple machines and how they work, and then demonstrate how these machines can be used to create a marble run. You might like to use visual aids, such as diagrams or videos, to help children understand these concepts.

Encourage creativity

Marble runs can be built using a wide range of materials, from cardboard tubes to PVC pipes to wooden blocks, as well as specialised sets that you can buy for this specific purpose. Nannies and caregivers can encourage children to use their creativity and imagination when designing their marble runs, and provide them with a variety of materials to choose from. This can help children develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity.

Provide guidance and support

Building a marble run can be a complex and challenging task, particularly for younger children. As a nanny, you can provide guidance and support to help children overcome obstacles and solve problems. Encourage children to work through challenges on their own, but be prepared to offer guidance and support as needed.

Emphasise safety

When building a marble run, it’s important to emphasise safety. Make sure children understand the importance of wearing safety goggles and gloves if they are cutting wood or using tools. Additionally, you can make sure the marble run is stable and secure, and that children are supervised at all times.

Marble run

Benefits of Building a Marble Run

Building a marble run can have numerous benefits for school-aged children, both in the short term and the long term. Below are some of the key benefits of this activity:

Develops critical thinking skills

Building a marble run requires children to think critically and solve problems. They must consider the laws of physics, engineering principles, and the properties of different materials when designing their marble run. This can help them to develop critical thinking skills that can benefit them in other areas.

Fosters creativity

By designing their own marble runs, children can experiment with different materials, shapes, and designs, and create something unique and original.

Promotes teamwork

Building a marble run can be a collaborative effort, requiring children to work together to solve problems and achieve their goals. 

Enhances problem-solving abilities

Building a marble run requires children to overcome obstacles and solve problems, deciding what to do when something doesn’t work, and what they should try next. This can also help children to build their resilience and perseverance. 

Marble run

With a renewed focus on helping children to develop STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) skills, building a marble run is a fun and engaging way for school-aged children to learn about simple machines, physics, and engineering. 

As a professional nanny, you can use this activity to support children in developing STEM skills which can be transferred into other areas of their learning, development and life. To find out more about supporting children’s education through playful activities such as this, check out our Integrating Education into Childcare course.

International Nanny Institute

Navigating Visas for International Nannies 

At International Nanny, we take pride in connecting premium families with outstanding nannies worldwide. As an agency specialising in international placements, we understand the complexities of visas and work permits. In this blog post, we will provide valuable insights into the visa process, explain our approach to work visa sponsorship, and shed light on the workings of legal visas for nannies.

Visas and Our Approach

When it comes to visas, it’s essential to clarify our stance on work visa sponsorship. At International Nanny, we do not sponsor work visas for nannies. This decision is rooted in the intricate legal requirements and complexities involved in sponsoring foreign workers. Hence, we understand that sponsorship is a tedious and arduous task that families are not willing to endure, and, to avoid any frustrations, we are clear from the beginning about the challenges posed. In this regard, we focus on candidates who can legally work in the destination. This means that the nanny already has a passport for the destination or work permit that is accepted in the country of work.

Understanding Legal Visas for Nannies

Securing a legal visa is a crucial step for nannies planning to work internationally. While specific visa requirements vary across countries, there are two common types of visas for nannies:

  1. Tourist Visa: A tourist visa allows nannies to accompany families on short-term trips. However, it generally does not permit employment. Complying with the regulations of each destination country is essential to avoid any legal issues.
  2. Work Visa: A work visa is the key to legal employment for nannies in a foreign country. The availability and requirements for work visas depend on the immigration policies of each country. Typically, it is the responsibility of the employing family to initiate and navigate the work visa application process. 

Supporting Families and Nannies

Although we do not sponsor work visas, International Nanny remains dedicated to assisting families and nannies throughout the recruitment and contract process. Our role revolves around providing guidance, resources, and expert advice to both parties involved. We help families understand the necessary steps for legally hiring an international nanny, ensuring compliance with local immigration laws.

Specific destinations are easier than others when granting visas and, hence, nannies need to understand the location of the job offers they can apply for. 

Gaining international nanny qualifications

Gaining an internationally recognised or well-established qualification, such as the course provided by the International Nanny Institute, will equip you with the knowledge and know-how to develop and grow in your nanny career, but it will not grant you work permits where you are not legally allowed to work. 

International Nanny is an ethical company, and we believe in transparency and honesty.  Whereas our motto is to help nannies find the best families, we also want to communicate the country-specific limitations one can face. 

Let’s Go to the Public Library!

As a professional nanny, one of the most important roles you play is that of a child’s educator. While it may be tempting to rely solely on electronic devices or your own knowledge to teach children, it’s important to remember that other valuable resources can help you, and one of the most valuable of these resources is your local public library. In this blog post, we’ll explore the many benefits of involving children with the local public library.

Access to a Wide Range of Materials

One of the biggest benefits of the public library is the wide range of materials available; from picture books and board books to chapter books and young adult literature, the public library has something for children of all ages and interests. Additionally, many libraries offer access to audiobooks, e-books, and even streaming video services, allowing children to access a variety of materials in multiple formats.

As a nanny, you can use the public library to help children explore their interests and discover new topics. For example, if a child shows an interest in dinosaurs, you can help them find books, videos, and other materials on the topic. If they enjoy drawing, you can help them find art books and magazines. By using the public library to supplement your own knowledge and expertise, you can help children learn and grow in a way that is tailored to their individual needs and interests.

Let’s Go to the Public Library!

Opportunities for Socialisation

Another benefit of involving children in the public library is the opportunity for socialisation. Many libraries offer story time, reading clubs, and other programs specifically designed for children. These programs not only provide an opportunity for children to interact with their peers but also allow them to learn important social skills such as sharing, taking turns, and following directions.

Additionally, many libraries offer family-friendly events throughout the year, such as holiday parties, craft fairs, and author readings. These events provide an opportunity for families to come together and have fun while also learning something new.

Support for Early Literacy

The public library can be a valuable resource for supporting early literacy skills. Many libraries offer early literacy programs that focus on developing skills such as letter recognition, phonics, and vocabulary. These programs are designed to be fun and engaging, using songs, rhymes, and other activities to help children learn.

Nannies can use the public library to supplement their own efforts to support early literacy skills. For example, you can borrow books and other materials that focus on specific skills, such as letter recognition or phonics. You can also attend early literacy programs with the children you care for, providing them with additional opportunities to learn and grow.

Let’s Go to the Public Library!

Exposure to Different Cultures and Perspectives

The public library can be a valuable resource for exposing children to different cultures and perspectives. Many libraries offer materials in multiple languages, as well as books and other resources that focus on different cultures and traditions. By using the public library to explore these materials, children can gain a greater understanding of the world around them and develop empathy and understanding for others.

Using the public library is a simple and effective way to help children learn about different cultures and perspectives. For example, you can borrow books and other materials that focus on different countries or traditions. You can also attend cultural events and programs with the children you care for, providing them with an opportunity to learn about different customs and traditions.

Development of Critical Thinking Skills

The public library can also be a valuable resource for developing critical thinking skills. By reading books and other materials, children are exposed to a variety of ideas and concepts, which can help them develop their critical thinking skills. Additionally, many libraries offer puzzles, games, and other activities that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

When working as a nanny, you can use the public library to help children develop their critical thinking skills. For example, you can borrow books and other materials that challenge children to think critically and ask questions. You can also participate in library programs that focus on problem-solving and other critical thinking skills.

Let’s Go to the Public Library!

Encourages a Love of Reading

Perhaps one of the most significant benefits of involving children in the public library is the encouragement of a love of reading. By exposing children to a variety of books and other materials, the public library can help foster a lifelong love of reading. Children who enjoy reading are more likely to do well academically, have higher self-esteem, and be more successful in life.

Nannies can help to encourage a love of reading in the children they care for, and the library can be a great resource for doing this. By taking children to the library regularly and exposing them to a variety of materials, you can help them find books and other materials that they enjoy. Additionally, you can set aside time for reading each day, either alone or together, to encourage a love of reading.

Saves Money

Another benefit of involving children in the public library is that it can save money. Purchasing books, videos, and other materials can be expensive, especially if you need to do so frequently to keep up with a child’s interests and needs. By using the public library, you can borrow materials for free, saving money and allowing you to provide children with a variety of materials.

Let’s Go to the Public Library!

Teaches Responsibility

Using the public library can also help teach children responsibility. When borrowing materials, children need to learn to take care of them and return them on time. They also need to learn how to handle materials appropriately to avoid damage. By borrowing materials from the public library, children can learn these important skills, which will serve them well throughout their lives.

As a nanny, you can help reinforce these skills by reminding children to handle borrowed materials with care and helping them return materials on time. You can also use borrowed materials as a teaching opportunity, discussing responsibility and the importance of taking care of things that belong to others.

Provides a Safe and Welcoming Environment

Finally, the public library can provide a safe and welcoming environment for children. Libraries are designed to be quiet and peaceful places, which can be a welcome change from the noise and chaos of everyday life. Additionally, libraries are staffed by trained professionals who are knowledgeable about children’s needs and interests.

When working as a nanny, you can use the public library to provide children with a safe and welcoming environment where they can learn and grow. By taking children to the library regularly, you can help them develop a sense of comfort and familiarity with the library, which can make it a go-to destination for learning and exploration.

Let’s Go to the Public Library!

Involving children with the public library can have a variety of benefits, from access to a wide range of materials to the development of critical thinking skills and a love of reading. By using the public library as a resource in your work as a nanny, you can help children learn and grow in a way that is tailored to their individual needs and interests. So the next time you’re looking for a fun and engaging activity for the children you care for, consider a trip to your local public library.

If you want to find out more about planning activities and outings that can support children’s development across a range of different areas of learning, then check out our Caring for Children. This course has a dedicated unit that teaches professional nannies how they can better plan their day when working with children in different age groups. If you’d like to be the best possible nanny you can be and be confident in scheduling the perfect activities for your charges, visit us today at www.international-nanny.institute to learn more about our courses.

International Nanny Institute

Nature Inspired Art: Leaf Rubbing

As a professional nanny, finding exciting new ways to engage and educate the children you look after is a big part of your role. Leaf rubbing is a fun and educational art activity that can help young children develop their fine motor skills and creativity, while also fostering an appreciation for the natural world. 

In this blog post, we will explore how nannies can organise and carry out this activity with young children, supporting them to make their own artwork, and we will also examine the benefits of this activity.

How to Collect Leaves for Leaf Rubbing Artwork

Before you can make leaf rubbing artwork with young children, you will need to collect leaves. This can be made into a part of the activity too, extending the process and building anticipation.

Choose a variety of leaves

When collecting leaves for leaf rubbing artwork, it’s important to choose a variety of leaves with different shapes and sizes. This will allow children to create a range of different designs and patterns.

Nature Inspired Art: Leaf Rubbing

Collect leaves in the fall

Fall is the best time to collect leaves for leaf rubbing artwork because the leaves are often brightly coloured and have fallen from the trees, making them easier to collect.

Look for leaves in different environments

Encourage children to collect leaves from different environments, such as parks, gardens, and nature trails. This will allow them to see the variety of leaves that can be found in different settings.

Handle leaves gently

When collecting leaves, it’s important to handle them gently to avoid damaging them. Encourage children to pick up leaves by the stem and handle them with care.

Identify leaves

Take the opportunity to identify the leaves that you collect with the children. You can use books or online resources to help identify the leaves and learn more about the trees that they come from.

How to Make Leaf Rubbing Artwork

Nature Inspired Art: Leaf Rubbing

Once you have collected leaves, it’s time to make leaf rubbing artwork. Here are the steps to follow:

Gather materials

To make leaf rubbing artwork, you will need:

  • Leaves
  • Paper
  • Crayons or coloured pencils
  • Tape

Tape the leaves to the paper

Place the leaves onto a piece of paper, with the veins facing up. Use tape to secure the leaves in place, masking tape is best to use for this as it can be removed easily without tearing the paper later on.

Rub the paper with crayons or coloured pencils

Using a crayon or coloured pencil, rub over the paper to create an imprint of the leaf. Encourage children to experiment with different colours and textures.

Remove the leaves

Once the rubbing is complete, carefully remove the leaves from the paper to reveal the leaf imprint.

Display the artwork

Display the leaf rubbing artwork in a prominent place where children can admire their creations.

Benefits of Leaf Rubbing Artwork for Young Children

Leaf rubbing artwork offers numerous benefits for young children, including:

Nature Inspired Art: Leaf Rubbing

Develops fine motor skills

Leaf rubbing artwork requires fine motor skills, such as hand-eye coordination, finger dexterity, and precision. By practising leaf rubbing, children can develop these skills and improve their overall motor control.

Enhances creativity

Leaf rubbing allows children to express their creativity and imagination through their designs. By choosing different colours and textures, children can create unique and personalised designs that reflect their personalities and interests.

Fosters an appreciation for nature

Leaf rubbing artwork encourages children to explore and appreciate the natural world. By collecting leaves and creating artwork with them, children can learn about the different types of leaves and the trees that they come from.

Improves concentration

Leaf rubbing requires a high level of concentration and focus, which can help children improve their attention span and concentration skills.

Boosts self-esteem

Completing a leaf rubbing design can provide children with a sense of accomplishment and boost their self-esteem. Seeing their finished design can give them a sense of pride and satisfaction, which can help build their self-confidence.

Additional Activities to Incorporate with Leaf Rubbing Artwork

Leaf rubbing artwork can be incorporated into a variety of other activities to help promote learning and creativity. Below are some additional activities that can be combined with leaf rubbing:

Nature Walks

Take children on a nature walk to collect leaves for leaf rubbing artwork. Encourage them to identify the different types of leaves and learn about the trees that they come from.

Leaf Identification

Use books or online resources to help identify the leaves that you collect with the children. This can help children learn about the different types of trees and the ecosystems that they support.


Encourage children to create leaf rubbing artwork based on their favourite stories or books. This can help them develop their creativity and imagination while also promoting literacy and reading skills.

Leaf rubbing artwork is a fun and engaging activity that can help young children develop a range of skills, including fine motor skills, creativity, and an appreciation for nature. By collecting leaves and creating artwork with them, nannies can provide children with a fun and rewarding activity that can promote learning and development. 

If you’d like to find out more about the benefits of teaching children about nature, or how to do this in a meaningful way, our Alternative Approaches course has a session on the Forest School approach.

International Nanny Institute

Rainy Day Activities for Toddlers

Rainy days can be a challenge for nannies when caring for toddlers. This is because going outside for play and exploration is not always an option. However, there are wide varieties of fun and interactive activities that nannies can engage toddlers in, that are both entertaining and educational. In this blog post, we will explore a handful of indoor activities that nannies can do with toddlers on rainy days.

Sensory Play

Sensory play involves engaging toddlers through all five senses-sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. You can create a sensory bin with different materials such as dry pasta, rice, beans, pom-poms, foam blocks, and many more. Try hiding small objects in the bin for toddlers to find, such as letters or hidden foam shapes. This activity assists with their motor skills and develops their cognitive thinking abilities, as they explore concepts such as object permanence. 

Imaginative Play

Imaginative play is any type of role-playing that encourages toddlers to use their creativity and imagination. Set up a play station with dress-up clothes, toy utensils, and an area that may resemble a kitchen or a doctor’s office. Allow toddlers to have free play with these items, or make it more structured with an interactive game of “pretend”.

Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts are activities that children of all ages love. Allow toddlers to explore their creativity by providing an array of art supplies such as paint, crayons, markers, and coloured pencils. Create fun little crafts they can give to their parents or friends such as handprint art, fingerprint painting or sponge paint.

Music and Movement 

Music and movement is an activity that toddlers love. You can set up a dance area where they can dance to their favourite songs. Play songs that require movement such as “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” and “If You’re Happy and You Know It”. If you don’t have speakers or music, you can just sing together, encouraging children’s speech and language development.

Story time

Story time is a perfect indoor activity for toddlers whether it’s raining or not. It is essential for toddlers to recognize words and learn how to read. You can make this activity interactive by asking questions and engaging their mind through your storytelling. Encourage toddlers to ask questions and retell the story in their own words.

Indoor Obstacle Course

You can set up a small obstacle course area within the home. Make use of the furniture and create a pretend tunnel using chairs or maybe make a den. Allowing toddlers to practise crawling, jumping, and other motor skills while having fun is a fantastic way to support their physical development.

Make-believe Cooking

Toddlers love pretend cooking, so nannies can encourage toddlers to make their meals with toy food, utensils, and pots. You can even print colour pictures of various food items and ask them to match each toy food to the right image. This activity builds hand strength and develops cognitive thinking abilities.

Board Games

There are various board games suitable for toddlers that can be an interactive indoor activity on a rainy day. Some of the available board games include Candy Land, Snakes and Ladders, Matching games, Jenga and Bingo. Some of the benefits of board games include building social skills and strengthening cognitive thinking abilities.


Puzzles are excellent for developing cognitive skills in toddlers. Choose puzzles with large, colourful pieces and images toddlers are familiar with. You can have toddlers try to complete puzzles independently, with guidance, or collaboratively with a friend or family member.

If you’d like more great ideas about how to teach children through play, then enrol in our Integrating Education into Childcare course, which is filled with practical ideas for nannies to use in their day-to-day role when working with children. It also explores the underpinning theories that are the basis for different ways young children learn and develop. Learn to be a better nanny and help your charges succeed and grow their minds during these all-important early years by visiting us at www.international-nanny.institute

International Nanny Institute